Monday, July 23, 2018

News article

For this news article, I think I would try to make it into a serious documentary but that has a happy outcome from it.

I would start it by stating facts about acid attacks and start narrating about how easy it is to get this acid and when did it start. By starting this way, it gives an insight about what the documentary would be about so they could choose whether it is something they'd be interested in or not. I would then relate it back to Pramodini Roul's story and what she was  doing on the day of her attack. I would have this as an interview style and would try to have filmed interviews with any witnesses or doctors who were there or who helped her when she was first attacked. By having it set in this format, it would show how serious acid attacks are and how it could happen to anyone. By interviewing more people, the audience are able to get a better perspective of the event and listen to everyone's feelings. At the start of the interview, I would perhaps get the perspective from behind Pramodini's shoulder so the viewers are unable to see what she looks like but once she starts talking about when she was attacked, I would show her face. When this horrific attack happened, (when she was 16 years old), Roul suffered complete loss of vision in both eyes and 80 per cent burn injuries as a result of the assault. This would shock the viewers by the effects from acid attacks and would hopefully, keep watching to see how her story ends. I think I would also get how her family felt during this time and how Pramodini was like when she was released from hospital and how much she has changed. I would not ask Pramodini to go into depth about the attack but enough to make people realise, how horrible something like this is.
For the last 1/2 minutes of the short film, I would lighten the mood of the documentary and show how she has changed her life around and has now got engaged and how happy she is. I think by ending a documentary that is about a sensitive subject, on a high note would show people that they are able to come out of something traumatic and still be happy. I think this documentary would be interesting and make the viewers think even after it has finished about what they would do if that was them and perhaps make them know never to do it as the effects are so brutal. By having these facts and stats at the start of the short film, it would make it slightly educational but it would be informing to the viewers about acid attacks. I don't think I would change anything about this story because it is real and relatable to many who have been involved in an acid attack or know someone who has been.

30 seconds- facts and statistics about acid attacks
3 minutes- interview of Pramodini and family and any witnesses who saw it happen

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