Friday, July 20, 2018

Short films watched

I watched the film Blue by Beth Martin which is an A level Media Studies Short Film. It was about a girl in an abusive relationship and she met with an old friend who realised she was off and tried to contact her but it was too late and her boyfriend got her. This film had a good storyline to it and there was a variety of camera angles throughout the short film which enables the audience to have different perspectives. However, the sound is not very effective as some shots are very windy from one angle and a different angle has wind which causes a distraction to the audience as they focus on the differences in sound rather than what is going on. From watching this, I have learnt that before filming the proper scene, record a small bit first and listen to it with headphones on so you can hear what it sounds like and see if there is anything disrupting the scene or distracting the viewers away from what's happening.

This short film is called "Last Words" by Isaac Crawford and it is an A2 film studies short film. It is about a young teenager who gets expelled from school and their mum gets angry and the boy leaves home. He get's angry and runs away from home and eventually gets hit by a car and it reverses it back and it shows that he was going to make it up to his mum with dinner and talk to her about it but she got angry and he didn't get to say what he wanted. I like how you see the story happen and then it reverses and you see the letter and it makes you think about leaving on an argument and approaching people in different ways about problems as you never know what could happen. However, there are some scenes that I thought were not needed and instead, drag out the film and it makes it become a little boring. Therefore, I have learnt that when editing the final cut, I will ask for a lot of people's opinions as to whether scenes are needed and whether they are getting bored so I am able to stop any scenes dragging on and the viewers losing interest.

This short film is called MIME and it is by Jay Kent and it an A2 Film Studies Short Film. It is about a mime who performs on the streets and meets a girl and impresses her but she walks away before he can get her number. A guy takes her bag and the Mime runs after the guy and eventually gets her bag and returns it back to this girl but she walks away and he still doesn't get her number. The mime comes home and looks through the money she gave him and a note falls out with her number on and tries to ring her with his hand but that doesn't work. I think this is a very creative and incredible short film and is very intriguing throughout. As this is something we don't normally see in modern day films with it being silent and black and white, it is effective as it is a new style and something different from others. There are some parts where the camera work is a little bit off but I think overall, it is a great piece of work which can open up ideas of doing an old style film.

This short film is by ALOE Pictures and it is an A level OCR Media Studies Coursework Short film. It is about a worker who wants to get a job as the lead photographer and there is two mean girls who bully her at her work and want the same job as her. One day, this worker is going out to take photos and finds her boss with a gun pointing at one of her mean co-workers and she takes a photo of her boss and blackmails her boss to get the job with the photos of her with the gun. I think this has a good storyline and idea but the filming is not very good and the sound is off in some places as there are some echoes in some places they've filmed. This makes me want to make sure again, that I check where I'm filming has good sound and nothing disturbs the audience and makes them focus on how bad the sound is.
This short film is called Doodlebug in 1997 by Christopher Nolan. It is about a man who acts very strange and is dressed as if he has just woken up so is quite scruffy and dirty. The man runs after something and tries to hit something with his shoe that is moving around his room. He then manages to uncover the little man that is himself and the move the little man does is then replicated a few seconds later by the bigger man and when he goes in to hit the little man, an even bigger man hits him and does the same action as him. This short film is very odd and is quite confusing and even after the film has ended, there is still confusion with the audience. This film does make me think that even odd ideas can be creative and be effective as this short film is quite popular and famous but I do not think I could do something like this.

This short film is called Deep It and it is a collaboration between Fully Focused and young people from across West London to bring you a film that looks at the impact of picking up a knife. This is not an A level Media Studies Short Film so it has been professionally made by a team and it has very good camera work and sound. I also like how the narrator talks through the story and you aren't sure who it is till the very end and it makes more sense and it keeps the viewers entertained until the end. The costume of the characters looks very natural and casual, which could make them more relatable to young viewers and envisage them in those situations which is what the director would want. Furthermore, the editing is great in this short film and the sound has been well thought of and managed carefully so there is no mishaps. This would be hard to compare to Media Studies short films due to not every student having the money to buy good equipment to make an effective film and often, students work with the environment around them and the equipment they have got. 

This is a horror short film called tEXt which is by Tye Gibson & Nick Johnson. It stars Kelsey Samara Dacci & Emily Hutchison. It is a modern day take on silent films blended with horror. I like the concept of this where it is silent but it is still entertaining as there are things to read on the screen that show you what is going on. I think as a storyline, it is quite good but it was quite predictable for the audience and it is clear from the start who it could be behind it. I like the setting of this short film as they have used lamps and lights in the house but made it dark enough to give it a creepy dark feel to it adding to the atmosphere. The actor has good facial expressions and keeps the viewers interested  in the storyline. I think, although the idea is about texting on the phone and it is quite effective, I think it goes on for too long and some viewers may get bored and tired of reading throughout the whole film. However, this is what the short film is about, so perhaps this idea of using a phone with text messages going back and forth would be effective as it's something we are used to now.

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