Saturday, August 11, 2018

New film

Name of filmExtinction

What had you ever heard of this film before? 
I had heard nothing from this film before and only found it from looking through Netflix. It looked appealing so I decided to watch it.                                                                                         

What happened in it?
In this film, it begins with a man and his family who go by their day to day normal life but then he suddenly starts having what he thinks are visions/ bad dreams. This starts to make him a little crazy causing his family and co workers to be worried. As a viewer, you are able to watch these visions that he is having and what is seen doesn't make any sense and only makes the viewer try to make sense of what is going to happen later on in the film. Then, as the film goes on, weird mechanical things come out of the air and start blowing buildings and people up that it sees and it looks alien like. This spurts the family into shock and fear as they are in a tower block and they can hear the creatures coming up their tower shooting and blowing up whoever they can find. They manage to get out of the tower by hiding and taking one of these creatures guns away who then follows them to find his gun and the man ends up fighting him. At this point, the audience believes they are aliens that have come to attack humans. After their fight, the creature takes off the dark helmet and it reveals a human which looks just like the family themselves. This is very confusing to the viewers. The family manage to get to where the man works which is underground as that's where they deem safe but whilst doing so, the wife gets seriously injured. As they get to the underground building, they are greeted with the man's fellow co-workers and boss who ensure them to safety but want to kill this human they have found but this human believes he can help his wife so the man lets him do so. As this human helps the wife, it reveals how the family is actually robots and everyone around them is robots and it reveals all about the past and how the robots became just like humans and fought a war against the humans which then drove them off the planet and the humans have come back to reclaim it. This was so shocking as a viewer and was so different to what anyone would have expected. The robot family, after the wife has recovered, get onto the last train that was in this underground building and ride off before the humans can catch them.

What was good?
I really liked the concept of this film because it was so unexpected and when finding everything out, it all made sense and makes you question everything about the movie. I really like how fine tuned everything was with the editing and camera quality. The visions he saw, were clear to the viewers that they were visions and it was easy to know what was real life and what was not. I like how the ending set it up for there to be another movie but at the same time, it would annoy some viewers that there isn't a conclusion for the whole story. However, it leads it up to imagination of how the film could have really ended and makes the audience talk about the movie because near the end, everything is turned upside down and is very surprising. The film feels like it has had a lot of time and effort put into it which makes it better for the viewer knowing that a lot was put into it.

What was bad?
The first half of the film is quite long and it is hard to become intrigued in the story line because it seems like every other family so isn't too exciting to watch. Also, some ways in which some characters came across , for example the children in the family, became very annoying and didn't bring any substance to make the film better. In my opinion, the film wouldn't have been much different if they weren't there.

Anything you would like to use as stimulus/ ideas for your short film?
From watching this film, it made me want to have a twist in my short film that the audience wouldn't be expecting because not only does it shock the viewers but it makes them want to keep viewing and gets them talking about the short film when its finished. Also, it allowed me to know how to make it more clear to the audience when visions/flashbacks are happening which I could use in my short film.

Would you recommend the film to anyone else?
I would definitely recommend this film to someone if they enjoyed thriller and sci-fi movies. Although, I am not the biggest fan of sci-fi but I still enjoyed this movie because it was so exciting and the twists kept me watching so perhaps other people would like it because of these reasons too.

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